What drives you? What fills you with excitement and anticipation?
When you look back on your experiences in life, which ones took you to the precipice of deep inner joy and satisfaction?
Was it the trip, or was it the hike on the trip?
Was it the hike on the trip, or was it the view from the top?
Was it the view from the top, or was it the pictures with family or friends?
Was it the pictures with family or friends, or was it the shared enthusiasm of the hike completed?
You have a mission and purpose to fulfill in this world. As Victor Frankl states:
Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.
I find great satisfaction in analyzing and clarifying problems, simplifying the solution and implementing the solution with excellence. And, my sincere goal is that all the glory go to God alone.
Indeed, it is crystalized in my own personal mission statement:
To magnify the power of the One True God by humbly embodying clarity, simplicity and excellence in every area of my life.
What about you? What makes you “you”? What drives you to push past limits that other people would find perplexing, even unimaginable?
Reflect back on this year. What moments made you burn with desire? Analyze those moments and find the interconnected patterns that were woven between them.
You might just come to realize that your unique mission and purpose in this world has been hidden in plain sight.
Your personal mission is waiting to be discovered, clarified, documented and acted upon. And there is a wonderful freedom ready for those that live by it.
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