I have some good news: Laura and I welcomed our second little boy into the world!
Jude Thomas Griffin was born on Easter Sunday, April 12. He weighs 9lbs 7oz and is just over 21 inches long. He’s big, squishy and cute!
Here’s a sweet picture – look at those cheeks!

I’ll share some additional pictures later in the newsletter. On to the content!
Pause and consider what’s truly important.
You’re probably familiar with this quote:
“The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.”
It’s easy to see the correlation: change what you do, and you’ll change who you are. But I believe there is something deeper still.
A better way to rephrase this quote:
The difference between who you are and who you want to be is the pain you are willing to experience.
Who you are tomorrow is a function of what you are willing to experience today. The journey between here and there is often painful, and it’s the fear of pain that keeps us from becoming who we want to be.
What pain are you willing to experience to grow?
What’s on my mind.
Just a few days ago, my wife and I welcomed our second little boy into the world.
Our lives have been changed.
People have asked what I’ve thought about the change that has just taken place. Honestly, I’m not scared. Millions of people before me have figured out how to do it. I’m certain I’ll figure it out as well.
Plus, change is a one-time event. Baby Jude is now here – the change has occurred. It’s like the snap of a finger. One moment you have normal, the next you have a new normal.
Change is easy. It’s the resulting transition that is hard.
Developing new routines with bleary eyes is not fun. Functioning on empty is not fun. Realizing you still have to take care of your existing responsibilities is not fun.
The addition of a new child is a perfect reminder of the difference between leading people to change versus leading them through change.
I have lead my family to the change: the birth of our son. Now I have the more difficult responsibility of leading them through the change: life with 2 children.
Everyone experiences change. You will change. Your organization will change. Your job will change. Your relationships will change.
Change is a moment in time. The process of transition is where the real work begins.
My work as a husband and father of two has just begun, and I’ll spend the rest of my life navigating that reality.
I look forward to it, because the transition is where you choose to thrive or survive. I’ve made my choice to thrive.
Have you made yours?
Broaden your horizons.
I’m mixing up the selection of content this week. The focus today is on the “well-rounded” part of your leadership. You must lead down (your people) as well as up (your organization). This is specifically geared to leading your organization by aligning you with what it values: sustainability, growth and continued success.
Written as the internal training manual for Clearbit, The Manager’s Handbook is a promising tactical guide to managing yourself and your team well.
It’s in its infancy, and some chapters have yet to be revealed. But what is currently available contains numerous nuggets of wisdom for managing and leading well.
The first 2 chapters are now available: Managing Yourself and Hiring & Onboarding.
How to Sell Anything: An Introductory Guide
You are always selling, either yourself or something else.
I stumbled across this article in a Twitter thread. It is pure gold. It’s the perfect beginner’s guide to understanding the what, why and how of sales.
It’s written by Brent Beshore, founder and CEO of Permanent Equity. One of the best quotes is from Zig Ziglar:
“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.”
Wow. This guide on writing is incredible.
Have you ever thought of the perfect response in your head, only to have it come out mangled, misrepresented and misunderstood? That’s frustrating.
It’s been said leaders are readers, and I believe that statement to be true. I also believe that great leaders are great communicators. Writing is the best way give your thoughts clarity, consistency and potency.
This in-depth guide on writing well by Julian Shapiro is worth 30 minutes of your time. It will help you become a remarkably better writer and by extension a better leader.
What I’ve been writing about.
This week, I continue my Welcome to Leadership series with the next article in the list: Leading Yourself.
The most difficult responsibility you’ll ever have as a leader is leading yourself.
In order to lead yourself, you need a lifestyle change. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s worth it.
I hope you enjoy the article. If you do, please share it with others!
Also, I mentioned earlier in the newsletter that I would share some pictures of Baby Jude with you. Here are 5 I think you will enjoy!
Learn and grow by listening to others.
“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”
Bruce Lee
Some podcast episodes are worth listening to over and over again. I’ve come back to this one at least 4 times since it has been released. If I can digest and instill the wisdom shared in it, it will be better than if I listened to 100 other podcast episodes.
Leading In Crisis is one of my top 3 favorite podcast episodes of all time. I shared it last week, and I’m sharing it again. Carve out time in the next 2 weeks to give it another listen. You won’t be disappointed.
Until we meet again…
At the end of each newsletter, I conclude our time with a thoughtful question designed to bring the best out of you.
What are you avoiding that would help you grow?
Until next time,
P.S. Has the Better Leader Newsletter impacted you in a special way? I’m looking for testimonials about your experience to feature on my website. If you have anything to share, please contact me and let me know. Thanks!
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